SaferSchool Accessibility Solutions
Radios and pagers that Keep everyone safe and connected
Picking the right system for your school or childcare centre is essential. Safer School offers the best paging systems available for use with the hearing or visually impaired. Our pagers function with both a flashing light notification, as well as vibration, providing excellent accessibility features for users of all ages.
Educational environments require specialized solutions to help provide for the needs of students across the board. Safer School has over 25 years of experience implementing accessibility systems, with unmatched expertise nation-wide.
For more information, contact us today to see how we can help your institution meet its accessibility goals.

SaferSchool Paging systems
get the job done
Light and Vibration Pagers specially designed for both the visually and hearing impaired

Speed up your Communication with our Two-way radios
Connect your staff quickly and discreetly.